Monday, 28 March 2011

On... Denim And Lace

There are a lot of bad songs out there.

And this is one of my favourites. As a bonus, the dude in this video is one of the worst lipsyncs I've ever seen, and I saw Paula Abdul in concert in Hong Kong in 1992. (She danced on stage! With a TIGER!)(A pretend tiger. But, you know, still.)

Anyway. Denim and Lace. I like to sing it to myself when I'm getting ready to go out.

Sunday, 20 March 2011

On... a new Sheer Luxe blog

So now and again I write a blog for the uhmazing shopping mecca website, SheerLuxe.

This is the latest one.

Friday, 4 March 2011

On... my newsletter

I send out a newsletter now and again about what I've been up to. Sorry, 'newsletter' sounds ridiculous; it's more like a long, chatty, mildly pointless email. But, you know, it's fun. And fun goes a long way.

If you'd like to get it direct to your inbox, just email me and put 'Email me!' in the subject line. Or click below and read it. Totally up to you, sugarnuts.